I started playing flute at an early age, when I was _. I graduated from the State Conservatory of Hacettepe University in Turkey where I attended the middle and high school until my university degree and I completed my academic career with a Master’s Degree programme at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome in Italy. During the academic year of 2015-2016 I spent a year as an exchange student in Madrid studying at Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Madrid and I had the privilege to study with some important flute professors such as Vicente Martinez Lopez and Manuel Rodriguez. I attended masterclasses held by globally known flute professors such as James Galway, Andrea Oliva, Bülent Evcil and Christian Plouveir. I have been giving private flute lessons and I’m still a flute teacher in music schools. Moreover, as a professional musician I play solo, orchestra and chamber music concerts around Rome in numerous concert halls and churches such as Auditorium Parco della Musica, Basilico di Santa Croce, Basilica Sant’Agnese fuori le Mura, Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli, i giardini Vaticani, Sala Accademica de l Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia. I played as 1st and 2nd flautist in several concerts around Turkey and Europe. I performed 12 concerts in 14 days with the orchestra at the Eurochestries Festival Gathered Musicians around Europe, specifically in France. I also recorded the Beethoven 7th Symphony with Ankara Youth Symphony Orchestra and I took part at different Greek – Turkish orchestra gathering of young musicians. I played symphonic music pieces such as “Schubert Unfinished Symphony” in several ancient amphitheatres both in Turkey and Greece. Recently I joined the Italian artist Alessandro Siani music band to perform at the shows as a flute musician. We played in major concert halls like Teatro Politeama Greco in Lecce, Nuovo Teatro Verdi in Brindisi, Teatro Orfeo in Taranto and Teatro Metropolitan in Catania. I also participate actively in various musical events in Italy. Today I perform in duo with pianist Gianfranco Granata.